Tag Archives: United States

Trailing a Blaze or a Fire to be Extinguished?


Back in ye good old days, a book was written, it sat in a bookshop and if you liked it, you bought it. Bookshops of tomorrow are an endangered species, like snow leopards, video hire stores and funny American sitcoms.

All this is a shame, because I love bookshops. Browsing through titles with intriguing covers and blurbs that make a book sound like the best thing since pimple cream is a great way to spend time.

Then there are the reviews on the back cover – Charlie Funkerton, National Enquirer Magazine gave this book a 5 brazillion star rating.

Whether a brazillion is a resident of a South American country or a way of removing unwanted hair – one thing is clear; it isn’t a large number. And herein lies my point. In an increasingly cutthroat industry, publishers and authors are having to find more ingenious ways to make their product rise above the rest.

A relatively recent phenomenon is the book trailer. When I first heard of the concept I envisaged an author sitting in a leather chair by the fire reading their novel – something we could ably do ourselves. Upon further investigation I learnt that some trailers were like mini-movies. Like today’s movies most were awful, but a few were so magical you could have pinned a horn on its forehead and called it a unicorn.

So here it is – my trailer for The Last Sanctuary –  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40ZmAyRyWSs
